Our first SMART Agroforst-Tag took place in Allstedt yesterday! The model community of Allstedt plays a central role in the current first phase of the SMART Agroforst joint project. Together with scientists, practitioners and visionaries, the potential of the valorization and restoration of agroforestry systems was discussed – from the sustainable use of groves to digitization solutions and new value chains. With interesting excursions around Allstedt and at exciting workshops, central questions and challenges regarding the recording of existing groves and the creation of agroforestry-based value chains in southern Saxony-Anhalt were discussed.
A big thank you to all the guests and the project partners from MLU, Fraunhofer IMWS, Fraunhofer IKTS, GISA, DBFZ, GMBU, NW-FVA, DLG and UPM.