Entwicklung einer gekoppelten Methode zur feldblockbezogenen Abschätzung des wassererosionsbedingten und sedimentgebundenen P-Austrages in die Fließgewässer Sachsen-Anhalts

Gerd Schmidt
Daniel Wurbs
Thomas Koschitzki
Duration: 2016-2018

Research project of the Institute for Geosciences and Geography of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Department of Geoecology and Physical Geography (Dr. G. Schmidt) in cooperation with the Central German Institute for Applied Site Geography and Soil Protection MISB (Dr. M. Steininger). Project partner for the testing of the Web-GIS-based visualisation and exchange platform is the Saxony-Anhalt State Institute for Agriculture and Horticulture (Dr. M. Schrödter), which is also responsible for the technical support of the overall project. The research focus of the overall project consists of the development of an automated procedure for modelling the water connection of agricultural areas at risk of erosion and a calculation algorithm for the field block-related estimation of the sediment-bound P discharge as a result of erosive soil erosion for medium, heavy and extreme precipitation under the management conditions of Saxony-Anhalt. More…
