
Dr. rer. nat. Moritz Koza

Research Focus
  • Wind and water erosion
  • Aggregate stability
  • Field experimentation
  • Central Asia
Scientific career
  • 07/2022 – 12/2024
    Research staff KendyrTEX
  • 07/2022-12/2022
    Research staff Menvipro
  • 11/2019 – 06/2024
    Dissertation at the Institute of Geosciences and Geography: Drivers and processes of soil erosion in the cultivated steppe of Kazakhstan
  • 02/2018 – 06/2022
    Research staff ReKKS
  • 05/2015
    Master thesis: Charakteristik des Bodenwasserhaushaltes von Versuchsstandorten im Einzugsgebiet der Weida, Querfurter Platte
  • 08/2014
    Go East (DAAD): Tschuwaschischen Universität I.N. Ulijanov, Tscheboksary (Russland)
  • 01/2014 – 06/2014
    Erasmus Scholar: Climate Change and Geo Risks, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Sogndal (Norway)
  • 10/2013-11/2013
    Student Assistant: Geosystemic Spatial Perception and Representation at Kwa-Zulu-Natal University, Pietermaritzburg (South Africa)
  • 09/2013-05/2015
    Master of Science: Geography, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
  • 09/2012
    Bachelor thesis on the topic: Naturphänomene unter Nutzungsdruck – Mammutbäume in Kalifornien
  • 08/2011- 12/2011
    Promos (DAAD) Cal Poly Humboldt, Arcata (USA)
  • 02/2011-03/2011
    Student assistant at ALOMAR Observatory, Andenes (Norway)
  • 10/2009-09/2012
    Bachelor of Science: Geography, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Current project
  • in progress


Koza, M. (2024, April 15) Quantifying Soil Loss and Dust Emissions by Wind Tunnel Experiments in the Cultivated Steppe of Kazakhstan. 2nd Central Asian Dust Conference, Nukus, Uzbekistan.
Koza, M., Funk, R., Poehlitz, J., Conrad, C., Shibistova, O., Meinel, T., Akshalov, K. and Schmidt, G. (2024) Wind Erosion after Steppe Conversion in Kazakhstan. Soil and Tillage Research, 236, 105941.
Koza, M., Funk, R. and Schmidt, G. (2023) Wind Erosion after Steppe Conversion in Kazakhstan: Data from Mobile Wind Tunnel Experiments. Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF).
Koza, M., Poehlitz, J., Prays, A., Kaiser, K., Mikutta, R., Conrad, C., Vogel, C., Meinel, T., Akshalov, K. and Schmidt, G. (2022) Potential Erodibility of Semi‐arid Steppe Soils Derived from Aggregate Stability Tests. European Journal of Soil Science.
Koza, M., Schmidt, G., Bondarovich, A., Akshalov, K., Conrad, C. and Poehlitz, J. (2021) Consequences of Chemical Pretreatments in Particle Size Analysis for Modelling Wind Erosion. Geoderma, 396, 115073.
Koza, M. (2024, April 15) Quantifying Soil Loss and Dust Emissions by Wind Tunnel Experiments in the Cultivated Steppe of Kazakhstan. 2nd Central Asian Dust Conference, Nukus, Uzbekistan.
Koza, M. (2024, September 17) Cultivation and Use of Alternative Crops: Examples from Central Asia. Landscape Conference 2024, Berlin.
Koza, M. (2024, February 2) Quantifying Wind Erosion in the Cultivated Steppe of Kazakhstan. Jahrestagung des AK Wüstenrandforschung, Kloster Schöntal, Germany.
Koza, M. (2023, September 6) In-Situ Quantification of Wind Erosion on Arable Soils in the Dry Steppe of Kazakhstan. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Halle (Saale), Germany.
Koza, M. (2022, September 8) How Does Chemical Pretreatment in Particle Size Analysis Affect Modeling Erosion? Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Trier, Germany.
Koza, M. (2022, March 27) Aggregate Stability and Potential Erodibility of Dry Steppe Soils. other, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria.
Koza, M. (2021, October 21) Natural Limitations Influence the Effect of Tillage on Aggregation in Dry Steppe Soils. 1st EUSO Young Researchers Forum at the European Soil Observatory Stakeholder Forum, online.
Koza, M. (2020, October 18) Effects of Agricultural Land-Use Changes on Wind Erosion Risk  in the Dry Steppes – Insights of an Interdisciplinary Project (ReKKS -  Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Agricultural Land Use and Climate Adaptation in the Dry Steppes of Kazakhstan and Southwestern Siberia). 1st International IALE-Russia, Lomonosov Moscow State University, online.
Koza, M. (2020, October 10) How to Measure Wind Erosion? Young Scientists Conference “Contribution of young scientists to the development of soil protection agriculture”, Barayev Research Center for Grain Farming, online.
Koza, M. (2020, June 19) Effect of Land-Use Transformation on Wind Erosion in the Dry Steppes of Kazakhstan. 2nd International Forum “Dialogue of Young  Scientists: Science Talks”, Kazakh National  Agrarian University, online.
Koza, M. (2020, March 23) How Does Pretreatment of Dry Steppe Soils Affect Particle Size Analysis by Laser Diffraction? EGU General Assembly 2020, online.
Koza, M. (2024) Drivers and Processes of Soil Erosion in the Cultivated Steppe of Kazakhstan. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.
Dr. rer. nat. Moritz Koza