Vergleichende Untersuchungen zu Ursachen Erscheinungsformen der Post-sozialistische Freiflächenentwicklung und -gestaltung in Großwohnbaugebieten von Halle und Prag und ihren Konsequenzen für die Boden-Kohlenstoff-Speicherfunktion urbaner Ökosysteme

Manfred Frühauf
Lubo Boruvka
Ivana Galuskova
Michael Zierdt
Gerd Schmidt
Duration: 2013-2014

The main objectives are the comparative geo-ecological analysis and evaluation of the consequences of post-socialist urban development for open space development and design with a special focus on the carbon sink function. The consequences for the function of urban soils as carbon sinks will be analysed and evaluated in two areas (Halle, Prague) with a highly dynamic change of urban use since the fall of communism. In Halle, the consequences of urban redevelopment (and demographic change) in new housing estates (Halle-Silberhöhe) will be scientifically addressed from the perspective of building demolitions and the associated development (and design) of open spaces, with a special focus on the (new) soils created here. In the study area of Prague, on the other hand, the manifestations and soil-related consequences of urban sprawl are the main field of interest of the relevant research work. In both cases, in addition to the driving forces and manifestations of urban land use change, the main objective is to present statements/knowledge on the changes that have occurred with regard to the carbon sink function in comparison to the pre-urban soil conditions or the “turning point” state up to the present. The methodological implementation includes, in addition to multi-temporal satellite image analyses, own mapping and implementation in GIS, primarily joint soil surveys and laboratory analysis. The latter will be carried out according to the existing specialisations of both laboratories and using the resulting synergy effects. The investigations themselves are carried out under the guidance of the cooperating scientists and are mainly based on student qualification work. The results of this project can, through synergy effects, provide new information qualities that serve the further development of the cooperation as well as the preparation of an EU project application, in which Polish and Hungarian sample areas (and specialist colleagues) are also to be integrated.
