Department workshop in the Ore of Mountains

The Department of Geoecology held a workshop in the Ore Mountains near the town Oberwiesenthal from 27 to 28 October 2022. In addition to the evening get-together at warm-summer temperatures in autumn, we were able to look at the most diverse aspects of the upper regions of the Ore Mountains during these two days. Starting with the geological highlights of the so-called “Orgelpfeifen” (basalt columns) in Scheibenberg, through the history of mining and the recent situation, to the summer view from the Fichtelberghaus, the roof of Saxony, into the surrounding region, Mr. Jens Uhlig from the Planning Association of the Chemnitz region accompanied us through the region on Thursday and inspired us with his expertise. The impressions of the day were discussed and reviewed in many conversations during the dinner. Friday was followed by a trip along the ridge region from Oberwiesenthal towards the town of Marienberg, where in addition to views of the Fichtelberg and the Egergraben bordering on the Czech side, the current state of the forests in the upper Ore Mountains was also discussed. The final stop before the return was the basalt fan at Hirtstein near the village of Satzung. During these two days we experienced a physical-geographical update of the Ore Mountains.