Information for foreign students
The MSc programme “International Area Studies – Global Change Geography” is currently a bilingual programme. It offers students from abroad the possibility of a largely English-language programme and is therefore very suitable for Erasmus students in the field of geography. The programme is about human-environment relations, whereby we cover the “Land System Science” pillar in the field of geoecology, dealing with land use systems, soils and water and material flows, for example, against the background of “telecoupled systems” or the “Water-Energy-Food Nexus”. We would like to internationalise the programme in the coming years at the Institute of Geosciences and Geography at MLU Halle in order to offer a complete English-language Master’s programme. More information on the study programme can be found here.
We are also open to the exchange of scientists. Our focus regions here are Central Asia, West and East Africa.
Studying abroad
Students at the Institute of Geosciences and Geography have various opportunities to go abroad, e.g. via our partner universities in the Erasmus context. Ideally, the fifth semester in the Bachelor of Geography and the third semester in the Master of International Area Studies – Global Change Geography are suitable. However, courses in the Master’s also lead abroad, as do excursions or theses. In some cases, it is also possible to participate in field trips as a student assistant through our projects. It is important that students tackle the topic of studying abroad in good time. Timely means from the beginning of your studies. For more information, please contact our staff, the Office of Student Affairs and the International Office at MLU.

Study abroad testimonials
The study program entitled: “From Mountain to Fjord” (August to December) has been offered for more than 20 years for Bachelor and Master students at the “Western Norway University of...Read more
Research opportunities
The current biodiversity crisis is particularly pronounced in the tropics, where demographic pressures are high and many ecosystems are vulnerable. Intact ecosystems provide important habitats
DAAD Qualitätsnetzwerk Biodiversität Kenya
Team: Mike Teucher Jan Christian Habel Christine B. Schmitt Marco Rieckmann Tobias Bendzko Sebastian Meyer Duration: 2016-2019 Tropical forests are important habitats for endangered plant
Green Central Asia
Funded by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, the CAWa-Green project in the “Green Central Asia Initiative” frame intends to contribute to a sound scientific
The project focuses on the production of a cotton-like fibre quality that, as a blending partner, allows processing on locally available cotton textile machines. A
The MIGRAWARE project aims to identify and analyse historical, current and future migration movements in West Africa. This analysis will be carried out against the