
Patrick Illiger

Main focus
  • Soil, hydrological & meteorological (project-based and continuous) monitoring
  • Cause-effect relationships between (agricultural) land use, hydrology, soil degradation and climate
Scientific career
  • 2020 – 2022
    technical employee
  • 2012 – 2019 (with interruption)
    research associate of the working group (KULUNDA, BIKASA)
  • 2011 – 2012
    auxiliary scientist with degree UFZ (Halle, Catchment Hydrology)
  • 2011
    M.Sc. phys. Geography & Geoecology(UniversityLeipzig)
  • 2008
    B.Sc. Geography (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)


Current projects

AgriSens DEMMIN 4.0

Landschaftslabor Merbitz

Landschaftslabor Salza

Landschaftslabor Kaiserpfalz


Bondarovich, A., Illiger, P., Schmidt, G., Ponkina, E., Nugumanova, A., Maulit, A. and Sutula, M. (2023) Effects of Agricultural Cropping Systems on Soil Water Capacity: The Case in Cross-Border Altai. Span. J. Soil Sci., 13, 1–14.
Ponkina, E., Illiger, P., Krotova, O. and Bondarovich, A. (2021) Do ARMA Models Provide Better Gap Filling in Time Series of Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture? The Case of Arable Land in the Kulunda Steppe, Russia. Land, 10, 579.
Bondarovich, A., Ponkina, E., Schmidt, G. and Illiger, P. (2020) Comparative analysis of soil moisture and water-holding capacity under different tillage technologies in conditions of dry steppe of Western Siberia. Агрофизика, 2020.3, 6–16.
Kudrjavzev, A., Guggenberger, G., Illiger, P., Stetsov, G.Y. and Yuron, V.V. (2020) Ecological aspects of soil fertility evolution during intensive use of soil resources in arid ecosystems. Agrochemical Herald, 1.20, 14–24. 10.24411/0235-2516-2020-10003.
Bondarovich, A., Ponkina, E.V., Schmidt, G., Illiger, P., Rudev, N.V. and Bykov, N.V. (2019) Analysis of Meteorological Parameters Determining the Conditions of Thermophilic Crops Cultivation in Agro-Climatic Zones of Altai Krai According to Data for 1960–2016. Agrophysika, 4, 26–37.
Thürkow, D., Lindau, A.-K., Schmidt, G., Illiger, P., Krause, C., Gerstmann, H. and Schuermann, A. (2019) Using Interactive Story Maps Enriched by Direct Knowledge Queries for the Development of E-Learning Modules on Climate Change. KN – Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information, 69, 195–204.
Illiger, P., Schmidt, G., Walde, I., Hese, S., Kudrjavzev, A.E., Kurepina, N., Mizgirev, A., Stephan, E., Bondarovich, A. and Frühauf, M. (2019) Estimation of Regional Soil Organic Carbon Stocks Merging Classified Land-Use Information with Detailed Soil Data. The Science of the total environment, 695, 133755.
Meissner, R., Bondarovich, A.A., Scherbinin, V.V., Ponkina, E.V., Matsyura, A.V., Puzanov, A.V., Rupp, H., Schmidt, G., Stephan, E., Illiger, P., Frühauf, M., Harlamova, N.F., Galahov, V.P., Balykin, D.V. and Rudev, N.V. (2016) CALCULATION OF WATER BALANCE FOR THE SOUTH DESERT AREA OF WESTERN SIBERIA BY INTERNATIONAL MONITORING NETWORK DATA. Biological Bulletin of Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 6, 223–238.
Schmidt, G., Bondarovich, A.A., Scherbinin, V.V., Ponkina, E.V., Harlamova, N.F., Matsyura, A.V., Stephan, E., Illiger, P., Rudev, N.V. and Kozhanov, N.A. (2016) RESULTS OF OPERATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL-METEOROLOGICAL AND SOIL-HYDROLOGICAL MONITORING NETWORK IN KULUNDA PLAIN (SOUTH OF WESTERN SIBERIA, 2013-2015). Acta Biologica Sibirica, 2, 89.
Stephan, E., Meißner, R., Rupp, H., Frühauf, M., Schmidt, G., Illiger, P., Bondarovitsch, A.A., Balykin, D.N., Scherbinin, V.V. and Puzanov, A.W. (2014) Aufbau Eines Bodenhydrologischen Messnetzes in Der Sibirischen Kulundasteppe. WASSERWIRTSCHAFT, 104, 15–22.
Mizgirev, A., Zierdt, M., Illiger, P., Kudryavtsev, A.E., Bondarovich, A.A., Stephan, E. and Schmidt, G. (2020) Soils of the Central and Western Steppes of the Altai Krai. In: Frühauf, M., Guggenberger, G., Meinel, T., Theesfeld, I. and Lentz, S., Eds., KULUNDA: Climate Smart Agriculture: South Siberian Agro-Steppe as Pioneering Region for Sustainable Land Use, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 49–66.
Grunwald, L.-C., Belyaev, V.I., Hamann, M., Illiger, P., Stephan, E., Bischoff, N., Rudev, N.V., Kozhanov, N.A., Schmidt, G., Frühauf, M. and Meinel, T. (2016) Modern Cropping Systems and Technologies for Soil Conservation in Siberian Agriculture. In: Mueller, L., Sheudshen, A.K. and Eulenstein, F., Eds., Novel Methods for Monitoring and Managing Land and Water Resources in Siberia, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 681–715.
Frühauf, M., Kasarjyan, M., Meinel, T., Illiger, P. and Stephan, E. (2016) Kulunda. How to Prevent the Global Dust Bowl Syndrome? Eurasia: Materials of VII International Symposium, IS UB RAS, Orenburg.
Illiger, P., Frühauf, M., Schmidt, G., Meinel, T., Belyaev, V.I., Silanteva, M.M. and Kasarjyan, M. (2014) Ökosystemkonversion Und Ihre Folgen Bezüglich Der Kohlenstoffsenken-Funktion in Der Westsibirischen Kulundasteppe. In: Grunewald, K., Ed., Erfassung Und Bewertung von Ökosystemdienstleistungen (ÖSD): Erfahrungen, Insbesondere Aus Deutschland Und Russland = Учет и Оценка Экосистемных Услуг (ЭУ) ; Опыт, Особенно Германии и России, Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, 300–319.
Schmidt, G., Illiger, P., Bergmann, A., Frühauf, M., Stephan, E. and Zierdt, M. (2014) Effekte des Klimawandels und der Landnutzung für den Wasserhaushalt im Mitteldeutschen Trockengebiet. Eine Fallstudie am Beispiel des Flussgebietes Salza. Izdatel’stvo Altajskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Barnaul.
Illiger, P., Hese, S., Rödiger, T., Siebert, C., Geyer, S. and Merz, R., Eds. (2012) Skalen-übergreifende zeitliche und räumliche Analyse von RapidEye und MODIS Daten hinsichtlich der Vegetationsentwicklung im mediterranen bis ariden Raum in Israel/ Palästina. RapidEye Science Archive (RESA) – Vom Algorithmus zum Produkt, GITO, Berlin.
Illiger, P. and Frühauf, M. (2013) Characteristics and Extent of Soil Degradation in the Kulunda-Steppe. Poster, Berlin.
Illiger, P., Ponkina, E., Bondarovich, A., Schmidt, G., Shibanova, A. and Eckmeier, E. (2023) Comparison of traditional and modern Cropping Strategies under the Aspect of Water Availability in a semi-arid Russian Steppe. Geoöko, 43, 212–242.
Beliaev, V., Grunwald, L.-C., Meinel, T., Schmidt, G., Bondarovich, A.A., Scherbinin, V.V., Ponkina, E.V., Matsyura, A.V., Stephan, E., Illiger, P., Kozhanov, N.A. and Rudev, N.V. (2016) Soil Water Regime and Crop Yields in Relation to Various Technologies of Cultivation in the Kulunda Steppe (Altai Krai). Visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk University. Biology, ecology, 24, 531–539.
Schmidt, G., Bergmann, A., Illiger, P., Frühauf, M., Stephan, E., Zierdt, M. and Bondarovich, A.A. (2014) Effektui Wosdeistwija Klimatitscheskich Ismenenii Semlepolsowanija Na Wodnui Balanc Sasuschliwuich Oblastj Zentralnoi Germanii. Na Primere Wodosbornowo Basseina Salza, Westnik Altaiskoi Nauki. Bulletin der Altai-Wissenschaft, 204–210.
Patrick Illiger