Current knowledge transfer publication: save water with smart weather stations and UAV!

In the context of use case 4 in the project AgriSens DEMMIN 4.0, the transfer of knowledge and innovations into agricultural practice is a key component. A valuable element here is the publication of results in low-threshold journals. On May 17, 2023, our latest article appeared in the “Bauernzeitung für Ostdeutschland” (Farmers’ Newspaper for Eastern Germany): “Site-specific irrigation: with smart weather stations and drones”. This article presents a newly developed water balance model that uses starch potato production as an example to identify areas on heterogeneous fields that suffer from water stress or have a water surplus based on multispectral weather station and UAV data during the growing season. The application of the developed tool helps to irrigate the irrigable potato crop more efficiently and according to the demand, thus saving water and implementing a sub-area specific irrigation control. The goal of use case 4 is to implement this tool into agricultural practice and have farmers use it on their own. The article is online available