New publication: Erosion risk derived from aggregate stability

Moritz Koza published a new peer-reviewed article within the ReKKS project titled: “Potential erodibility of semi-arid steppe soils derived from aggregate stability tests”. The article is open-access and focuses on the erosion risk potential by wind and water in northern Kazakhstan. Surprisingly, cropland soils seemed more susceptible to water than wind erosion. Therefore, sustainable land use strategies must consider the potential risk of combined water and wind erosion to mitigate further soil degradation.

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Koza, M., Pöhlitz, J.,Prays, A., Kaiser, K., Mikutta, R., Conrad, C.,Vogel, C., Meinel, T., Akshalov, K., & Schmidt, G.(2022). Potential erodibility of semi-arid steppe soils derived from aggregate stability tests. European Journal of Soil Science,73(5), e13304.